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About me

My name is Lelyane

Brazilian, 26 years old. Crazy about dog & cats, lover of reading, obsessed with the beach and coconut water.

Every journey has its surprises, its unexpected twists, and its fascinating discoveries.


Just picture it: there I was, delving into the depths of Psychology, unraveling the mysteries of the unconscious mind, when suddenly... I stumbled upon the Social Sciences and fell head over heels for Anthropology 🤪

The study of humanity! Of social changes, of cultural nuances. It was like opening a secret door to an unknown universe, where every ritual, every tradition, every belief had its own story to tell.

But fate had other plans for me. I decided to venture into the world of volunteering with AIESEC, where I found myself immersed in a melting pot of cultures, a true parade of human diversity. 

And then, I found myself involved with a tech startup, where I discovered a world of chatbots, artificial intelligence, and... Creative writing focused on the user! 😱


The UX Writer, a title that sounds as modern as a spaceship, but made me feel at home, as if Anthropology were dancing hand in hand with technology.

But I wanted more than just words, I wanted to transform experiences, to shape every digital interaction. So, I plunged headfirst into the universe of UX/UI Design, thirsty for challenges and discoveries.

Since then, I haven't stopped.


Every project, every challenge is a new adventure, an opportunity to create something that makes people feel good. Because in the end, that's what the journey is all about: transforming the world, one interface at a time.

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"Always committed and dedicated in her positions and functions. Adaptable to the changes that the market needs, always seeking to improve their knowledge and help others."

Team Leader in AIESEC


"Very dedicated to her activities, even though she started in a critical situation of the project.
[...] She received a lot of positive feedback from the POs and squads she worked in."

Team Leader in Aunica


"She has a remarkable ability to learn autonomously and has a critical look at the situations she encounters. She demonstrates a continuous desire to exchange experiences with coworkers [...]"

Coworker in Capgemini


"[...] Always seeks management for prior alignment and this demonstrates her level of responsibility with the company and project"

Project Manager in Capgemini


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