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What are we talking about?

What are the objectives?

Project: design a responsive website that allows the user to find out more information about the company, things like: values, who they are, success stories and a way to get in touch.

Who are the people we want to reach?

Create an app and website that can be used to optimize time: there it is possible to schedule appointments, check in to confirm an appointment, answer initial questions so the doctor can have the information, in addition to importing relevant medical data, as well as test results. exams for return consultations, etc.

Main objectives: reduce time on phone calls to schedule appointments, reduce consultation time with pre-established standard questions, create relationships with patients so that they feel like returning - a feeling of home.


Like most all apps made, this one would also like all users to use it to optimize time. However, the idea of ​​the project is to make life easier for people with routines that are different from the "usual", who have difficulties in any area.

In summary for this project...



QR Capital




→ Frontline Education

The companies mentioned above compete, directly or indirectly, with the website developed in this example. They offer resources such as school management solutions, general analysis of educational data, among other similar functions. However, they do not cover the main idea of ​​this project, which is to be a platform that stores medical information and sends it to appointments scheduled within the application.

All platforms were used for comparison, inspiration and other references.

Rabiscos  (Ideias iniciais)

Opss! It's under construction! 

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